Okara is the bean mash you get when you make soy milk. Our most popular snack and sidedish the Soy Yammies are made with this ingredient. We make small sized ready to bite balls with them and serve them as a snack during our happy hour or as a side dish with our buffet meals. served with some delicious sweet chili sauce.

OKARA BALLS (also known as Soy Yammies)
Prep time: 45 minutes Cook time: 15-30 minutes Total time: 90 minutes Serves: 225 Soy Yammies
600 gram okara
2 cups flour
6 tablespoons fried garlic
6 tablespoons fried onions
4 tablespoons salty soy sauce
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
½ tablespoon chili powder
Vegetable oil for frying
Blender or food processor
Big mixing bowl
Big wok or frying pan
Box for storage in the fridge
Make the soy milk to get the okara
Mix all ingredients in a big bowl, use your hands to make a nice dough like consistency
Use your hands to form little balls (bite size)
Add a big amount of vegetable oil in your frying pan or wok on a medium/high heat
Heat the oil up, make sure it does not get to hot (smoking)
Fry the balls in the wok, take them out when they are golden brown
Let the balls cool down on a paper towel to drain the grease
If you use an airfryer
Preheat the air fryer to 180° Celsius
Arrange your Soy Yammies on the bottom of your air fryer basket, in a single laye The more separated, the crispier they will be.
Cook the balls at 180° Celsius for 15 minutes, tossing them after 10 minutes to make sure they crisp up evenly.
Store in the fridge until used
Of course you can adjust the amount of ingredients if you don't want to make so many Soy Yammies, but you might be surprised how fast they are finished! That's how good they are!
You can store the Soy Yammies in the fridge for a couple of days. The Soy Yammies are best eaten when they are warm. Heat them up in a (dry, no oil) frying pan right before serving

This recipe is made at the @THEFOODFORESTKITCHEN, the slow food restaurant of @ECOLOGICTHAILAND. Come and taste the wonderful homemade, fresh, organic food and drinks, while you enjoy the view over the rain forest and valley! A MEAL WITH A VIEW!