Water spinach, also known as morning glory and pak boong (ผักบุ้ง) in Thai, is a common vegetable in Thailand. You will also find it in the vegetable gardens of the Thai Child Development Foundation in Paksong. The stir fried dish made with this tasty vegetable is served on a regular base in the Food Forest Kitchen restaurant of Eco-Logic Thailand. Beside the great taste, this vegetable is also low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Stir fried Morning Glory (Pad Pak Boong)
Prep Time: 5 minutes - Cook Time: 3 minutes - Total Time: 10 minutes Makes: 4 portions
1 bunch Water morning glory
4 Thai chilies
3 large cloves garlic
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 tablespoon vegan oyster sauce
1 tablespoon vegetable Oil
A bowl
a wok
Clean the Pak Boong
Mince the garlic
Crush the chilies open a bit
Place the Pak Boon in a bowl
Add all the other ingredients on top of the Pak Boong (except the oil)
Heat the oil in a wok until it's really hot, but not burning.
Dump the bowl of ingredients up-side-down into the pan, so that the sauces are on the bottom.
Quickly stir it up so it cooks evenly for about 1 minute (really!)
Remove from the heat and serve immediately with some brown rice.

This recipe is made at the @THEFOODFORESTKITCHEN, the slow food restaurant of @ECOLOGICTHAILAND.
Come and taste the wonderful homemade, fresh, organic food and drinks, while you enjoy the view over the rain forest and valley!