Kret saranae | เกร็ดสะระแหน่ | Mentha × piperita
Family: Lamiaceae - Genus: Mentha

Mint is grown around the Food Forest Restaurant and on the premises of TCDF Eco-Logic
Peppermint is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant that grows to be 30–90 centimeter tall, with smooth stems, square in cross section. The rhizomes are wide-spreading, fleshy, and bear fibrous roots. The leaves can be 4–9 centimeter long and 1.5–4 centimeter broad. They are dark green with reddish veins, and they have an acute apex and coarsely toothed margins.
The leaves and stems are usually slightly fuzzy.
The flowers are purple, 6–8 mm long, with a four-lobed corolla they form around the stem, in thick, blunt spikes.
Peppermint is a fast-growing plant; once it sprouts, it spreads very quickly.
It is a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint. The plant is a source of menthol and menthone and are among the oldest herbs used for both culinary and medicinal products
Mint flowers from December to February.

Peppermint is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant that grows to be 30–90 centimeter tall, with smooth stems, square in cross section. The rhizomes are wide-spreading, fleshy, and bear fibrous roots.

The leaves can be 4–9 centimeter long and 1.5–4 centimeter broad. They are dark green with reddish veins, and they have an acute apex and coarsely toothed margins.
The leaves and stems are usually slightly fuzzy.

The flowers of peppermint are purple, 6–8 mm long, with a four-lobed corolla they form around the stem, in thick, blunt spikes.
All mint varieties have minty-flavored, edible flowers that may be sweet or lemon-scented, or even with chocolate overtones depending on the type.
You can add mint to green salads, desserts, smoothies and even water. Peppermint tea is another popular use of the leaves.
All mint varieties have minty-flavored, edible flowers that may be sweet or lemon-scented, or even with chocolate overtones depending on the type.
NOTE: please take advice from a doctor if you are planning to use herbal medicine.
Mint is used in traditional medicine, fresh or dried leaves can be used for:
May Ease Digestive Upsets. Peppermint may relieve digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating and indigestion.
May Help Relieve Tension Headaches and Migraines.
May Freshen Your Breath.
May Relieve Clogged Sinuses.
May Improve Energy.
May Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps.
May Fight Bacterial Infections.
May Improve Your Sleep.
INTO THE WILD: a down to earth experience

For guests and visitors to Paksong we organize weekly tours "The Edible Forest" and Foraging weekends: Into the Wild. We work with local guides to take you in the jungle of Paksong. After foraging, we will cook a meal with the ingredients, using bamboo together with you!
Come and join and learn about the abundance of food that nature gives us!