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Writer: Eco-Logic ResortEco-Logic Resort

Thapthim | ทับทิม   | Punica granatum

Family: Lythraceae - Genus: Punica

Pomegranate trees can be found in the Paksong and Phato area, they are not very common though.


The pomegranate is a fruit-bearing small tree, that grows between 5 and 10 meter tall.

A shrub or small tree growing 5 to 10 meter high, the pomegranate has multiple spiny branches and is extremely long-lived, with some specimens surviving for 200 years.

The leaves are opposite or subopposite, glossy, narrow oblong, entire, 3–7 centimeter long and 2 centimeter broad.

The flowers are bright red and 3 centimeter in diameter, with three to seven petals. Some fruitless varieties are grown for the flowers alone.

The fruit is red-purple in color, the husk has two parts: an outer, hard pericarp, and an inner, spongy mesocarp, which comprises the fruit inner wall where seeds attach. Membranes are organized as nonsymmetrical chambers that contain seeds inside, also known as arils.

The number of arils in a pomegranate can vary from 200 to about 1,400.

Pomegranate season is from March to May.


The papaya is a small, sparsely branched tree, usually with a single stem growing from 5 to 10 meter tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. The lower trunk is usually scarred where leaves and fruit were borne. All parts of the plant contain latex.


A shrub or small tree growing 5 to 10 meter high, with a round shape. The pomegranate has multiple spiny branches and is extremely long-lived, with some specimens surviving for 200 years.


The leaves of the papaya are large, 50-70 cm in diameter, with seven lobes.


The leaves are glossy and have a narrow, lance shape. In warm climates, like Thailand, they are evergreen.

The young leaves are edible.


The flowers are five-parted; the male flowers have the stamens fused to the petals. The female flowers have a superior ovary and five contorted petals loosely connected at the base. The flowers are sweet-scented, open at night, and wind- or insect-pollinated.


The flowers are tube-shaped and more than one inch long. They are a brilliant scarlet red. The flowers are self-pollinating.

The flowers of the pomegranate are edible and can be added to salads, smoothies, lattes, milk based beverages and soups They mild and slightly sour.

The pomegranate flowers are also used as a herbal tea.

The flowers are five-parted; the male flowers have the stamens fused to the petals. The female flowers have a superior ovary and five contorted petals loosely connected at the base. The flowers are sweet-scented, open at night, and wind- or insect-pollinated.


The pomegranate fruit is approximately 6 t0 12 centimeter wide. It has a red, leathery rind. Each seed (aril) is encased in pulp and sectioned off by walls.



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As arils or as juice, pomegranates are used in baking, cooking, juice blends, meal garnishes, smoothies, and alcoholic beverages, such as cocktails and wine.

Pomegranate juice can be sweet or sour, but most fruits are moderate in taste, with sour notes from the acidic ellagitannins contained in the juice.

Young leaves can be used as a salad green, in a green smoothie or juice, as a spinach alternative, in curries, pasta sauces, soups and to make leaf tea – fresh or dried.

The flowers of the pomegranate are edible and can be added to salads, smoothies, lattes, milk based beverages and soups They mild and slightly sour. The pomegranate flowers are also used as a herbal tea.



Pomegranates have an impressive nutrient profile — one cup of arils (174 grams) contains: Fiber: 7 grams. Protein: 3 grams. Vitamin C.



NOTE: please take advice from a doctor if you are planning to use herbal medicine.

Pomegranate fruit has medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities. The pomegranate seed oil has inhibitory effect on skin and breast cancers.

The pomegranate seed oil has phyto-estrogen compounds and the fruit is rich in phenolic compounds with strong antioxidant activity.

The fruit and bark of pomegranate are used against intestinal parasites, dysentery, and diarrhea.

The juice and seeds are considered a tonic for throat and heart.

It is used to stop nose and gum bleeds and treating hemorrhoids.


INTO THE WILD: a down to earth experience

For guests and visitors to Paksong we organize weekly tours "The Edible Forest" and Foraging weekends: Into the Wild. We work with local guides to take you in the jungle of Paksong. After foraging, we will cook a meal with the ingredients, using bamboo together with you!

Come and join and learn about the abundance of food that nature gives us!



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