One of the options when having breakfast at Eco-Logic Thailand is our homemade yogurt. We make it ourselves - of course - because yogurt in Thailand is usually very sweet and only available in small one portion cups. This yogurt recipe uses cow milk, but you can make it vegan by changing the milk by any plant based option, and the yogurt to start it, by a plant based one. Because we always have a great temperature here (tropics!), we can make this yogurt just overnight, covered with a towel. You might have to consider to create a warmer spot in your kitchen if you do not have these daily temperatures. By using an ice cooler and warm water for example.

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 60 minutes Total time: 11 hours Serves: 12 small jars
2 liter milk
6 heaped tablespoons starter yogurt (starter yogurt can be any yogurt – store bought or from previously home made yogurt)
Big pan
Wooden spoon
Ice cooler
Small jars for storage, with lids
Sterilize the jars, tablespoon and small jars in hot water
Pour your milk in a big pan and heat for approx.1 hour on the lowest heat possible.
Stir occasionally to prevent sticking to the bottom
Remove the pan from the heat
Fill up the ice cooler with approx. 15 cm of hot water
Add the starter yogurt to the heated milk, stir well
Pour the heated milk and yogurt mix in the jars
Stir slightly
Place the lids on the jars
Place the jars in the ice cooler in the hot water (not higher then half way your yogurt)
Close the ice cooler
Let it stand overnight for approx. 10-12 hours
Remove the jars from the box
Store in fridge until used

This recipe is made at the @THEFOODFORESTKITCHEN, the slow food restaurant of @ECOLOGICTHAILAND.
Come and taste the wonderful homemade, fresh, organic food and drinks, while you enjoy the view over the rain forest and valley!